Dear Devlin, what should I do when I hear about a high profile photographer acting unprofessionally?
What should I do when I hear about a high profile photographer acting unprofessionally?
Dear Devlin
I feel uncomfortable raising this topic as it feels very high school and perhaps unkind, however, I am hearing lots of negative chatter among my peers about a photographer with a large following.
This person has a luxe brand, several awards, published work with luxe suppliers etc etc, and many would say is influential/aspirational. In comes my initial point; they have increasingly bad word of mouth within the industry and it seems from clients too.
I’ve heard reliable stories that they are unprofessional to clients and unprofessional in their working practice; basically they sound like a very expensive scam artist.
This feels like gossip, but after many many stories from many different people in the industry, I can’t help but feel concerned this person shouldn’t be running a business. How on earth have they reached the heights they have while behaving this way? I’m sure nothing can be done about it, but it feels unjust many photographers are the opposite and yet dont have half the platform or accolades this person does.
Concerned from Coventry.

“Consider how this person’s alleged behaviour might be affecting clients and colleagues in the industry. If there’s a pattern of behaviour that’s damaging to clients or harmful to the professional community’s standards, it’s more than just gossip ”
Dear Concerned from Coventry,
It’s understandable to feel uncomfortable and conflicted about discussing issues that could seem like industry gossip, especially when it involves someone who is highly regarded publicly.
However, your concerns about professionalism and ethics are valid, especially in an industry built on trust and reputation. It’s also exactly why this column is completely anonymous, so concerns like this can be brought to attention without any names involved.
Here’s how you might approach this situation thoughtfully and constructively:
1. Verify the Information
Before taking any action or forming a definitive opinion, it’s important to ensure that the information you’ve received is accurate and not just isolated incidents blown out of proportion. If possible, discreetly verify the stories you’ve heard with more direct sources or through observing interactions yourself, without spreading further gossip.
2. Reflect on the Impact
Consider how this person’s alleged behavior might be affecting clients and colleagues in the industry. If there’s a pattern of behaviour that’s damaging to clients or harmful to professional industry standards, it’s more than just gossip; it’s a concern that might warrant further attention.

3. Maintain Professionalism
Even if the rumors are true, maintain your own professionalism. Avoid public confrontations or speaking negatively about the individual in professional settings. It does not reflect well on you if you use your platforms to highlight something negative with one of your peers. Instead, focus on uplifting the standards of the industry through positive actions and leading by example.
4. Focus on Your Own Brand
One of the best responses to seeing unprofessionalism succeed is to double down on your own values and brand integrity. Continue to deliver excellent service, engage genuinely with clients and others in the industry, and build your reputation on a solid foundation of ethical behavior and high-quality work.
5. Educate Clients on Choosing Suppliers
Without pointing fingers, you can help educate your clients and audience about how to choose the right photographer. Highlight the importance of transparency, reading public reviews, not just testimonials on their website, and the value of consistent, professional behavior. This not only helps clients make better choices but also promotes professionalism within the industry.
It can drag you down a little if you feel that you are absorbing some negative energy when you hear about underhand or unprofessional behaviour. Don’t take it onboard too much by thinking someone is getting ahead of you with dishonest behaviour.
6. Support and Promote Professionalism in the Industry
Get involved in or initiate discussions about professionalism within your photography community. This could be in closed groups, at workshops and conferences or informal gatherings, fostering a culture of high standards and mutual respect can somewhat counteract the influence of those who might not uphold these values.
7. Use Proper Channels if Necessary
Suppose you or someone you know has direct evidence of unethical or fraudulent behavior. In that case, it may be appropriate to report this to the relevant bodies – like the places you mentioned that have featured them or bodies that have awarded them, also review platforms – if this aligns with their guidelines for professional conduct.
8. Protect Yourself
It can drag you down a little if you feel that you are absorbing some negative energy when you hear about underhand or unprofessional behaviour. Don’t take it onboard too much by thinking someone is getting ahead of you with dishonest behaviour.
I’ve been in the game for a very long time and in my experience people like this eventually get found out and their actions become public knowledge. People planning weddings talk to other people planning weddings or who have been recently married. Bad experiences will be passed on in the hope to prevent someone else having the same. It might take a little time but in the end Karma will bite them in the ass.
Your concern does very much highlight a challenging ‘smoke and mirrors’ aspect of the industry where public image and behind-the-scenes behavior can differ significantly.
While it’s discouraging to see less ethical behaviour apparently rewarded, focusing on your integrity and contributing positively to the industry can have a longer-lasting impact than the transient success of those who may not truly deserve it.
This is a service industry and if someone isn’t delivering a high level of service, they will eventually fail, no matter how good they make it look on social media.

Drop me a note with any industry issue that you might have and I will do my best to offer up some advice.
After a couple of decades as a wedding photographer, the chances are high that I will have some experience that might be relevant or have some insight into what your best course of action could be
The process is 100% anonymous, so feel free to share whatever is on your mind currently and know that this is a safe place.