How To Get Recommendations from Other Wedding Suppliers
How To Get Recommendations From Other Wedding Suppliers
“So my problem is a few little things… 1) I am struggling to fit into the industry with suppliers. I would love to have relationships with other suppliers but so many suppliers have been about a long time and they almost don’t want to let newbies in / they treat me like I’m less than them. I have been a photographer for 8 years and now doing weddings but feel some suppliers are just not very welcoming to me and it’s so upsetting. I want to build relationships and feel like I’m not taken seriously.
2) Real upset from not being appreciated. I was invited to attend a styled shoot (no bride and groom) just a room set up styled shoot. I worked so hard, delivered the gallery and I’ve been totally blanked from all suppliers that attended on the day apart from the artificial flowers girl, some have seen my mail gave it a heart emoji (not everyone) some just opened it and blanked me and honestly I feel so upset that I haven’t at all been appreciated for my hard work.
I don’t expect a lot but a thanks would be nice. So my point is how do we overcome this work imposter syndrome, self-doubt and over-thinking situations? Thanks for this opportunity to mail you.” Betty from Berwick

To foster strong industry bonds, consider what value you can offer them.
Dear Betty from Berwick,
Thanks for writing in, I hope to be able to help you and anyone else who feels like they are in a similar situation. First, let’s look at ways to establish positive working relationships with other wedding suppliers and then we can get into the issues around this styled shoot.
How To Get Recommendations From Other Wedding Suppliers
1. Define Your Goal:
Before you do anything else, clearly define what your goal is here. It might look like ‘build strong bonds with established wedding suppliers so that they refer me to their clients’. Having goals is like having a roadmap for your efforts and clearly defined objectives.
2. Mutual Benefits:
Although recommendations from suppliers can be a fast track to booking your own weddings, bear in mind that other suppliers owe you nothing. To foster strong industry bonds, consider what value you can offer them.
We are lucky as photographers in that everyone these days is seeking visual imagery to promote their services across social channels and online platforms. So lean into that. BTS images or footage of them providing their service is very useful to them. Provide that, in addition to the images of the styled shoot and they will be indebted to you.

How To Get Recommendations From Other Wedding Suppliers
3. Shift the Focus:
Instead of pondering what others can do for you, focus on how you can contribute to their success. Going above and beyond for fellow suppliers creates a reciprocal dynamic, laying the foundation for those meaningful industry relationships you are seeking.
4. External Validation:
Next, I would challenge you to think about why you feel this need for external validation. You could be missing the point of contributing to styled shoots. They are beneficial to all involved and everyone puts in work on their part. Just like photographers do a lot of work behind the scenes, so do most other suppliers. I would look at why you feel the need to be singled out for appreciation. Did you individually thank everyone else involved for their contribution?
You are an experienced photographer at 8 years into your career and the pivot into weddings is opening your mind to the fact that this is a busy part of the market. On the outside, it might all look like cake and confetti but it is hard work and I’m breaking some bad news to you – it is often quite thankless.
How To Get Recommendations From Other Wedding Suppliers
instead of focusing on receiving thanks, practice the art of thankfulness.
5. Embrace Personal Growth:
Instead of seeking external validation, channel your energy into personal growth. Use each project, whether acknowledged or not, as an opportunity to refine your skills, experiment with creativity, and push your own boundaries.
6. Overcoming Self-Doubt:
When you are experiencing a lot of self-doubt, this is an issue with your mindset. We often are our own worst critics but the good news here is that if you are the person blocking yourself, then you are also the person who can unblock you.
Self-doubt, insecurity, imposter syndrome, over-thinking – these are all fear-based emotions. Fear is natural when making shifts in your career, fear is a self-protection mechanism that stops us from being eaten by bears but fear can also very much hold you back and get in the way of progress.
I cannot tell you how to eliminate fear, as I still feel it even after decades in the industry but I can say that learning to recognise it when it comes and accept it, goes a hell of a long way. Fear is powerful and that power can overwhelm you or you can embrace it and use its energy to propel you forward. There is no growth without fear in my experience.
Finally, I recommend doing some reading and working on building a positive mindset – your local bookstore will have shelves groaning with books on this subject. Warning: there are a LOT of men who show up in this sector but I have found that books by women are more beneficial for me. If books don’t fit into your lifestyle, then seek the audio versions and listen as you go about your day.
Shifting your mindset can work wonders – instead of focusing on receiving thanks, practice the art of thankfulness. This can generate a power greater and more dynamic than fear.

Drop me a note with any industry issue that you might have and I will do my best to offer up some advice.
After a couple of decades as a wedding photographer, the chances are high that I will have some experience that might be relevant or have some insight into what your best course of action could be
The process is 100% anonymous, so feel free to share whatever is on your mind currently and know that this is a safe place.