If you’ve spent some time here, you’re probably well aware of our continuing affection for silhouette wedding portraits. Silhouettes are like your “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” at a wedding, your secret weapon when the weather isn’t cooperating or the venue is a bit too busy. But how do you create a silhouette wedding portrait?
Here’s why they’re winners:
- Abundant Window Light: Most venues offer some form of window light that can be expertly harnessed.
- Concealing Distractions: Silhouettes effortlessly obscure distracting elements, keeping the focus squarely on the subjects.
- Simplicity in Posing: Posing becomes entirely straightforward with silhouettes as we cannot see full expressions.
- Impactful Aesthetics: Silhouettes pack a visual punch, leaving a lasting impression and standing out in a gallery or on a social feed.
Let’s delve into this excellent example from Scottish photographer Kirsty McElroy, captured within the expansive confines of a Glasgow warehouse venue. This locale is a frequent choice for weddings, which presented Kirsty with the challenge of finding a fresh perspective within popular surroundings.

How to Create a Silhouette Wedding Portrait
Through keen observation, she spotted an eye-catching reflection and creatively fused it with the concept of a silhouette framed by the window. The result? A striking symmetry, where the window doubles up to become almost like a pair of eyes, and the image gazes back at the viewer.
But what truly elevates this photograph, as with many of our previous Farmers’ Images Of The Week, is the preservation of the genuine connection between the couple. Amidst the excitement of discovering a brilliant idea, Kirsty ensures that the warmth and romance shared by the newlyweds still shine through, all while ingeniously incorporating the venue’s unique features into the portrait.
In essence, it’s a testament to how innovation and artistry can coexist harmoniously, resulting in a heartwarming and captivating wedding portrait that transcends the ordinary.
Nikon Z6ii | Nikon Z 28mm
ISO 400 | F/2.8 | 1/250
own preset
What Kirsty said…
“I was having a quick look around the venue while the couple were eating dinner as I wanted to try to create something I hadn’t seen at the venue before.
I liked the light at the staircase and as I was walking through I caught the reflection of the window in the glass door, I knew this was the shot I was after as it was something a little different.”
The Tech Talk
“I love to create silhouettes in galleries, so often look for points where I can use light to achieve this! It means you can create multiple images from one pose.”
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