Help! A Member of the Wedding Photographer Community Has Gone Off The Radar, What Should I Do?


Help! A Member of the Wedding Photographer Community Has Gone Off The Radar, What Should I Do?

Wedding Photographer Community: Etiquette 101

“I have a strange situation. A photographer local to me who I have worked with a couple of times (but not since last year) appears to have gone ‘off the radar’.

A few suppliers I know have asked me, if I have heard from them as they/their couples don’t seem to be able to get a hold of them.

I have reason to believe this person might be going through a tough time, and not able to navigate business at the moment.

I would be happy to help this person, but don’t know how best to approach it.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


As wedding photographers, we’re not just colleagues; we’re part of a community that thrives on support, camaraderie, and understanding.

Dear Worried from Woking,

You are very kind to be thinking of this other photographer and wondering how best to help them. Let’s see if I can come up with a sensitive and useful approach for this.

Expressing Concern with Compassion

It sounds like you would like to reach out in times of uncertainty with genuine concern but a respectful distance. Start by acknowledging the observed change in their presence:

“Hey [Photographer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve noticed you’ve been a bit off the radar lately, and I’ve heard from a few folks that they’re having trouble contacting you. I wanted to reach out and check-in.”

This opening communicates your concern without prying into their personal affairs. It lays the foundation for a conversation while respecting their privacy.

Offering a Listening Ear

In your message, extend a supportive hand by letting them know you’re available to talk. Sometimes, a simple conversation can be a powerful source of solace:

“If you’re going through a tough time, know that you’re not alone. I’m here to offer support in any way I can, whether it’s a friendly chat or lending a hand with your workload. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to talk about.”

This reassurance opens a door for them to share their struggles if they choose to. It’s crucial to approach this step with a genuine willingness to help.

Respecting Boundaries

While offering support, it’s essential to respect their boundaries. Some individuals prefer dealing with challenges privately. Your message should convey concern without pressuring them to disclose more than they’re comfortable sharing.

Professional Collaboration vs. Personal Space

If you’ve had a professional relationship with this photographer, express your understanding of their workload:

“I understand that work commitments can sometimes become overwhelming. If you need assistance managing your workload or if there’s anything specific you’d like help with, please feel free to let me know.”

This statement acknowledges the demands of our shared industry while providing a solution-oriented approach.

Conclusion: We’re in This Together

As wedding photographers, we’re not just colleagues; we’re part of a community that thrives on support, camaraderie, and understanding. Navigating the uncharted waters of a colleague in crisis requires a delicate touch, a compassionate heart, and the recognition that we’re all human, facing our unique battles.

Remember, your message isn’t just an offer of help; it’s a reminder that in this busy industry which can feel quite isolating, there is practical support available. But be respectful that the photographer in question most likely would appreciate privacy and do not take this matter to any groups where speculation is not something that helps anyone.



Drop me a note with any industry issue that you might have and I will do my best to offer up some advice.

After a couple of decades as a wedding photographer, the chances are high that I will have some experience that might be relevant or have some insight into what your best course of action could be

The process is 100% anonymous, so feel free to share whatever is on your mind currently and know that this is a safe place.