2024 Wedding Photography Trends
If you’ve been a reader for a while, you might recall my previous years’ predictions which I like to think I nailed. So let me polish up my crystal ball again and make some predictions on what will be the 2024 wedding photography trends.
First of all, let’s look at some stats. The average age for marriage in the UK is 32 so that’s Millennials. However, the first Gen Zs are going to be 27 in 2024 so we can expect that many of those will be tying the knot.
If Millenials embraced Instagram, Gen Z is the TikTok generation. In 2024, know for a fact that TikTok will have a huge influence on the wedding industry.

First up on my prediction for 2024 wedding photography trends is the rise of Tiktok. Where couples might have used Pinterest to help make wedding plans before – leading to a focus on the styling of weddings, they are moving more towards using TikTok. And TikTok is more of a performative platform. Hence the heart sunglasses video trend etc. Short, highly engaging, visual imagery that often involves clever transitions.
Now do not panic if TikTok isn’t your jam and you feel totally left behind because what we often saw in 2023 and will increase in the next 12 months is couples taking their wedding images and videos and making social media content from it themselves. You do not have to be an influencer to jump on these trends, people also do it because they are fun and the only tool required is a smartphone.
What will be the heart sunglasses of 2024? Well, we can expect to see people taking the traditional elements of wedding days like the bouquet toss and the cake cutting and getting creative with how they are done so they can be a more fun part of the day. Right now, the walk back down the aisle has been revamped with a dip kiss halfway. Suggest a little practising if one of your couples mentions this as it’s not as easy as it looks.
This year, we started to work alongside a new person on the visual team – the ‘Content Creator’. The social media side of weddings has become so important that an entire role has emerged. In 2024, expect to see a huge increase in these fledgling businesses. It’s an incredibly low barrier to entry, setting yourself up as one of these. All you need is a decent phone and a social media account. Expect to see some people rise to the top of the game in this sector by elevating their content. So far, most of it has been fairly basic but I predict more use of gimbals, and drones as well as video editing programmes to make these feel more sophisticated.
The issue potentially here in the UK is that wedding timelines are already tight. My US clients that host a wedding in the UK are usually amazed at what we jam into a wedding day and they prefer spreading a celebration out over a weekend. So if you get wind that your couple has invited a Content Creator along, suggest that they factor in the additional time that might be required.
The lid to this particular Pandora’s Box is well and truly off now. As the dust settles, what can we predict about the influence of AI on the wedding photography industry?
First of all, as new people come into the game, they have very little incentive to learn the full capabilities of editing tools as they can achieve so much now with AI. Why bother learning how to do all the work when you can just push a button and let the robots take care of it? However, I do wonder if this will lead to a homogenisation of the finished look of wedding photography.
The power of Adobe’s generative tools will have a massive effect on imagery. Expect to see more fantasy elements, expansions, and the pursuit of perfection as it has become easier than ever to remove distracting elements.
Expect to see more of these emerging as the ability to create them becomes easier. They are good for grabbing attention on social media and can be easily added to their online gallery to break up the still images and add more impact. If you are wondering what the difference is, GIFs are where everything in the frame moves whereas Cinemagraphs are mostly still with some moving elements.
In-camera multiple exposures is something that I have always loved playing with and they are the big thing that I miss by having Sony cameras.
However, I predict that many wedding photographers will be picking up Canon so that they can utilise that 28-70 F2 that I recently reviewed. Canon cameras are a dream for creating in-camera multiples with tools that help you to see where your images overlay so it’s easier than ever. And it’s a heck of a lot of fun to experiment with.
Let’s end with this one because this trend in wedding photography is going nowhere. Recently, I find that clients are asking for film images and Polaroids. Both of which I am fully embracing and having fun with right now.
Expect to also see disposable cameras returning to wedding tables. Both Kodak and Fujifilm offer recycling for these now so if you hear your clients say they are going to use them, then make sure that they know about this.
On a side note, expect to see videographers embracing camcorders too. Why all things 90s? Well if you are 32, you were born in that decade, and your parents probably had film cameras and camcorders. As both hardware and software get more and more advanced, we get more and more nostalgic about the past and so do your clients. So there is always a certain amount of looking back to take forward.

So you want to start a wedding photography business? Before you start buying cameras and lenses, there’s a few things you should know when it comes to creating the perfect Wedding Photography Business.
I’ve put together a complete guide on How to Start a Wedding Photography Business and you can get your FREE copy right now. INCLUDES THE BONUS – Pricing Calculator.